Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Engine Overhaul, Step 1

According to "Without Guesswork, Type 1, 2 and 3" VW Service Book, August 1968 the 1300 cm2 40 bhp engine compression should be between 135-106 psi. The measured compression value was 70-75 psi which is below the specified value. Engine didn't smoke so eighter the valves were leaking or the rings were worn. Other problems discovered were that the crank case seal was leaking, the engine was very dirty and the paintwork on the engine covers and other parts was rusted.

Engine before removal

Engine removed

Before a wash. A good example of how engine should not look.

High pressure cleaning. We had to clean the engine before stripping it to prevent the dirt getting into the engine.

Engine after the wash

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