Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Cars in the Park at Zwartkops

We had a very enjoyable Sunday at Cars in the Park last weekend. Loads of beautiful old cars occupied the race track from head to toe. Hopefully we'll be there next year with our Kewer! Naturally the section that we were most interested in was the Volkswagen oldies. In addition we managed to find couple of good contacts such as Historic VW Association Southern Africa which is a club restricted to air-cooled VW's up to 1967 model and for purists only, not for modified vehicles. That is our aim with our Kewer so we are now eagerly waiting if they will accept us as their new members. Another recommended club in the Pretoria area is the organiser of the event; Pretoria Old Motor Club (POMC). Due to our restoration project, and a damaged front bumper, we've been battling weighter to purchase a totally new bumpber or restore the old one. At the event we came across with a company in Johannesburg which made a quite an impact with their rechromed products so that is where our front bumper will end up to in near future. More about the bumper a bit later on. Another quite useful link got from Cars in the Park was a sell and buy portal in the internet called Classic Cars. If you are looking for an old vintage car that might be another place worth while looking into in addition to JunkMail.

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